Pennsylvania Politics

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Pennsylvania Politics

Today the Pennsylvania legislature is voting on an anti-gay, anti-family "Marriage Protection" state constitutional amendment that would not only ban same-sex marriage (already not legal) but it would prohibit unmarried couples from having any rights that resemble those of married couples. Considering that I'm moving back to PA this fall I'll be a very happy woman if it fails.

However, if it passes and eventually ends up becoming part of the PA constitution we might have to make some major changes to our plans-- such as reconsider moving. Even if PA is my home state, the state where most of my family lives, and the major reason we are moving there is to raise our children with a lot of extended family nearby. That is how laws like these impact same-sex couples. Why does it matter? As I understand it, this amendment could be a wrecking ball to the progressive adoption laws that PA has at the moment. The fact is that if we can't adopt-- which we'll need to do one way or another no matter how we have children-- we might have to move to a state where we can and think about moving to PA later.

Now would somebody please explain to me who is a threat to whose family again?

Update:I just read this in a local PA paper, "There was talk of a vote as soon as today, but it is likely to be delayed indefinitely as the House begins to take up the 2006-07 state budget, said Steve Miskin, spokesman for House Majority Leader Sam Smith, R-Jefferson."

However, this could change dramatically if the CA case I wrote about earlier gets to the SCOTUS.

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