Some Bloggers Are Easily Amused

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Some Bloggers Are Easily Amused

In case the rest of us bloggers were unaware, the blogger at Pax Plena has been kind enough to inform us that New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson is not the Democratic leader in either the U.S. House or Senate.

In this post yesterday, Pax Plena referred to an MSNBC article reporting that Richardson had urged the Bush administration to engage in direct talks with the North Koreans — something the White House has refused to do.

Pax Plena writes that he found the MSNBC headline — Top Democrat calls for talks with North Korea — "highly amusing." He explains why:
Who was the top Democrat (in the article)? Nancy Pelosi? Harry Reid? Bill Clinton? Bill Clinton's wife?

Nope. Bill Richardson.

Now, I understand that he served under Clinton. I understand that he's the Governor of New Mexico. But would we really call him a 'top' Democrat given that his political influence doesn't really extend outside the Land of Enchantment?'
It's reasonable to assume that as a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Richardson retains some important international contacts and, therefore, some degree of "political influence."

This is not just about political influence. It's also about knowledge of world affairs. During his 14 years in Congress, Richardson focused a great deal on foreign affairs, and he has traveled to North Korea and met personally with its rulers.

From where I stand, it's at least worth listening to hear what such a person has to say. He may have a valuable perspective to offer.

But if you inhabit the same delusional world as George W. Bush does, it must seem strange that the news media would want to interview someone with actual knowledge of the North Korean regime. As evolution, global warming and other issues demonstrate, the White House tends not to like it when facts and data become a part of the debate.

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