I'm Actually Embarassed for the Conservative Movement

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I'm Actually Embarassed for the Conservative Movement

The right-wing's beloved mediawhore seems to be in full-blown tantrum mode.

First she declared that Bill Clinton is a "latent homosexual."

Next she called Al Gore a "total fag." (Sorry, but homobigots don't get to use "fag" as a joke.)

Now she says she'll bet money on Hillary coming out of the closet in 2008.

Ann, dear, get thee to a headshrinker-- pronto. You are clearly one of those people who learned as a child that any kind of attention, even negative attention, is better than no attention at all. Your obsession with other people's private sex lives is no substitute for having a (sex) life of your very own.

On top of your outrageous, baseless assertions about a former president, a former vice president and a sitting U.S. senator you recently had the nerve to feign offense in an interview when someone asked you, respectfully, about your personal life.
Q: As a woman, do you long for that source of great fulfillment for many women: a husband, a family? Or do you see your life's vocation as primarily in the public arena?

AC: As a journalist, do you long to have a sense of decorum? Or do you see your life's vocation as primarily asking strangers utterly inappropriate personal questions?
Ann lecturing other people about decorum. That's a beauty.

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