Religious Right Slams Obama

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Religious Right Slams Obama

Barack Obama's potential White House candidacy has caught the attention of the Religious Right. Rev. Rob Schenck, president of the right-wing National Clergy Council, has updated and re-released a pamphlet critical of Obama entitled, "Barack Obama: Sheep or Goat?"

If Schenck's name sounds familiar to you, there's a good reason. Schenck was among the nutjobs who appeared at a 2005 news conference to defend Roy Moore, the former Alabama state supreme court justice who defied a federal order to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments from the state courthouse. Schenck praised Moore and called him a "white martyr."

The Religious Right is in trouble if this is the most credible person they can find to publish a screed attacking Obama.

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