They Might as Well Ask the Earth to Stop Rotating

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

They Might as Well Ask the Earth to Stop Rotating

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops wants gay people to know they are welcome in the church — welcome, that is, so long as they deny who they are and lead lonely, celibate, guilt-ridden lives.

According to ABC News:
The nation's Roman Catholic bishops adopted new guidelines for gay outreach Tuesday that are meant to be welcoming, while also telling gays to be celibate since the church considers their sexuality "disordered."
The headline on ABC News' home page last night summed up this story well:
Catholics to Gays: Stay in the Closet, Stay Celibate, Stay in the Church
Let's put this in context. Catholic bishops can't even count on majority support among American Catholics for the church's positions on birth control, abortion and stem cell research.

Do the bishops really think they will have better luck trying to persuade gay Catholics than they have had persuading heterosexual Catholics?

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