The Pentagon Needs New Messages -- Let's Help

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Pentagon Needs New Messages -- Let's Help

According to the Associated Press, the Pentagon has launched a new effort to spend lots of taxpayer money to do a better job of "selling" the Iraq war to the American people.

The AP story reports:
The Pentagon is buttressing its public relations staff ... and new teams of people will "develop messages" for the 24-hour news cycle ...
So let's help the Pentagon by offering our own ideas for messages they can use to put a pretty face on the Iraq war. How hard can this be?

Below, I am sharing a few messages or slogans that might be useful for the Pentagon. If you have a message of your own to share, go right ahead:
Perdition Accomplished

Iraq: Sun, Sand and Insanity

And You Thought the Police in New Orleans Were Rogues?

Replay the Course

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