What Is Feingold Thinking?

Monday, September 25, 2006

What Is Feingold Thinking?

I have always had a hell of a lot of respect for Senator Russ Feingold (D-Wisc.). In fact, I hopes he runs for the presidency in 2008. But I was left scratching my head late last week when I received a fundraising appeal in the mail from Feingold.

The fundraising appeal wasn't for Feingold's Progressive Patriots Fund. Instead, it was for his Senate campaign fund. So what's going on?

Feingold was re-elected in 2004. He's unlikely to face a serious challenger in 2010, and, even if he does, why the hell is he raising money now? Here we are roughly one month and two weeks out from a very pivotal election, and Feingold sends out a fundraising appeal that competes with attempts by other candidates who are actually running for election or re-election this year.

Is this money he would simply convert from his Senate campaign fund over to a presidential campaign fund? I don't know all of the in's and out's of fundraising, but, unless there's a very good explanation that I'm missing, this fundraising appeal is annoying.

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