I have always thought that Noam Chomsky was a bit off his rocker -- sort of the Walter Williams of the Left: a smart guy who, nonetheless, has chosen to allow an ideology to trump objective intellectual inquiry.
Perhaps the confirmation came yesterday when Venezuela's nut-job president, Hugo Chavez, made it clear he's a Chomsky reader. Chavez decided to use his speech at the UN to promote a recently published book by Chomsky.
Well, now, if you were a UN envoy, over the past few days, you could have sat and listened to speeches by the likes of Bush, Ahmadinejad, and Chavez. A succession of clowns. Make that dangerous and self-deluded clowns.
It's the best argument I can think of for providing hardship pay to UN employees.
There are times when I think the Left's goal is to out-crazy the Right.
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