D.C. Council member Vincent B. Orange Sr. tried to hold a public meeting yesterday on a bill that would ban government bodies from holding private meetings. But he couldn't, because his colleagues were elsewhere -- holding a private meeting about the measure.
... (Orange) waited and waited in Room 123 at the John A. Wilson Building. Of the five committee members, only Orange and Adrian M. Fenty (D-Ward 4) showed up to discuss the controversial measure that could open most of the District's government meetings to the public whenever there was a quorum.
Actually, a quorum existed yesterday -- just not in Room 123.
A majority of the committee members -- Jim Graham (D-Ward 1), Phil Mendelson (D-At Large) and Carol Schwartz (R-At Large) -- were in Suite 105, Graham's office.
... Graham, Mendelson and Schwartz were privately discussing several amendments to the bill. Orange and Fenty had not been invited.
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