Does this woman look coarse and frustrated?
You can bet that someone has made a fairly ridiculous statement when I rush to defend the honor (what little that remains) of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Such is the case today after I just stumbled upon an attempt by Russian politican Vladimir Zhirinovsky to psychoanalyze Rice.
Still annoyed at Rice's comments urging Russian restraint during the recent Ukrainian natural-gas standoff, Zhirinovsky was quoted thusly in Pravda:
“The U.S. Secretary of State released a coarse anti-Russian statement. This is because she is a single woman who has no children.”Ah, yes. There you have it -- the 'ole "women without children turn hard and bitter" routine. If only Condi had a significant-other, she wouldn't be saying things that pissed off the Russians.
... "She loses her reason because of her late single status. Nature takes it all. Such women are very rough. They are all workaholics, public workaholics.”
But I'm not so sure. This woman has a husband, and she's constantly making "coarse" statements that piss me and other people off.
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