I Didn't Realize the Supreme Court Was an Apprenticeship

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I Didn't Realize the Supreme Court Was an Apprenticeship

This is not what you would call a strong vote of confidence in Harriet Miers, but compared to the open revolt on the Right, it's probably the closest thing to a ringing endorsement that the White House can expect these days. From Tuesday's Washington Post:
[Sen. Chuck Schumer] reported that Miers told him "no one knows how I would rule on Roe v. Wade." He said the nominee wouldn't talk specifics with him about important cases. "She deferred, saying, 'I need to sort of bone up on this a little more -- I need to come to conclusions' would be a better way to put it," Schumer said. Playing the avuncular law professor, he added: "I'm going to give her a break. She is not a constitutional lawyer ... but she clearly needs some time to learn about these cases."
She says she needs time to "bone up" on key Supreme Court precedents? These are not reassuring words.

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