Moonbat Rantings

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Moonbat Rantings

A wingnut over at the truth-in-advertising Barking Moonbat Early Warning Detection blog explains why the rest of the world should "dump Africa."
I have had it with Africa. Ever since the natives threw out their colonial “masters” the entire neighborhood has gone to the dogs. Poverty is rampant as former tribal warlords build little empires and exterminate their rivals with genocide that is unparalleled in world history. Entire countries full of people are being displaced by these petty tyrants who hire gangs of thugs to roam the countryside raping, murdering and destroying everything in their path.

AIDS is running rampant on the continent and millions are dying every year because of unprotected sex, tribal taboos, superstitions and the local government’s complete lack of concern. The people who don’t fall prey to AIDS are dying of deadly viruses like Ebola that are spreading due to lack of any kind of hygiene or sanitation. Again, local governments don’t seem to care.
What do you do if the idiots refuse to learn how to fish and fight among themselves over the fish you’re giving them? In my personal opinion, sooner or later you have to cut your losses and give up. Let them revert all the way back to savagery instead of temporarily holding them halfway between barbarism and civilization.
Nope, none of that smacks of racism. No, none at all.

C'mon, it's all their fault, it's clear those damned savages can't get their act together. It was obviously so much better when all the white people were in charge. You know, it's not like apartheid was so bad. There wasn't any corruption, it was all peaceful and friendly-like. Hasn't everyone noticed that throughout human history there aren't any white tyrants/dictators/mass murderers/warmongers? White people are the people of peace.

By extension, I wonder if this guy would argue that African-Americans were better off as slaves? Perhaps we should cut off any and all support to poor African-Americans too?

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