Nasty White House Porn

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Nasty White House Porn

Did you ever see that South Park episode "The Return of the Lord of the Rings to the Two Towers"?

In it, the boys parents loan a "Lord of the Rings" video to Butters but instead accidentially give him "Backdoor Sluts 9." Butters sees a few mintues of it and goes all Gollum when the boys show up to return it to the video store. The boys play "Lord of the Rings" along the way and, noticing Butters odd behavior, decide to get Token involved in their quest. Token agrees to watch the video, but returns a few mintues later utterly distrubed and announces that he is done playing "Lord of the Rings."

Have you seen that episode? Because it makes me wonder just what sort of porn the White House shows to any poor Republican who dares to differ with the president.

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