Republicans Are Children

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Republicans Are Children

From Roll Call
The House Republican Conference will unveil today its latest prize for rewarding GOP lawmakers: the Ronald Reagan awards.

The honor, named after the late president who was famed for his communications skills, will be given to Members who excel at disseminating the party's message on Social Security reform in their districts.

The program will copy one the Conference implemented in the 108th Congress, when 35 Members received Theodore Roosevelt awards for spreading the gospel on the Medicare prescription drug bill.

"People like to win things," explained Conference Vice Chairman Jack Kingston (Ga.), expressing hope that the chance for an award would motivate lawmakers to hold more workshops and town hall meetings on Social Security.
And if they all pitch in and defend Tom DeLay when he gets indicted and threatened with prison time, they'll all get an extra helping of dessert.

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