Naughty Monkey

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Naughty Monkey

So, do I post on the Gonzales confirmation, or the most recent monkey study? 60-36, Gonzales wins. Moving on to the more interesting story...
Male monkeys will 'pay' in fruit juice to look at a picture of a socially dominant monkey or a female's hindquarters. In the wild, the animals help their fitness by monitoring what their leaders are doing, and which females are sexually receptive.
The findings are interesting enough on their own. Basically the monkeys see the juice as currency and will forgo different amounts of juice depending on how much they want to see the image. (Girlies rate highest.) But I also love the way they end it by trying to tell us how this might benefit humanity.
Learning how animals weigh the value of social interactions could help in understanding human autism...The monkey study might even help to explain humans' fascination with gossip magazines.
You had me at "monkey."

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