How the Bushies Encourage the Work Ethic

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

How the Bushies Encourage the Work Ethic

Clinton's welfare reform pushed many people to leave welfare and seek work, even if the pay was at or only slightly better than minimum wage. Liberals who opposed that Clinton-era reform were able to console themselves with this fact -- many of those ex-welfare recipients who had entered the workforce still qualified for some safety-net forms of assistance.

That was then. This is now.

Consider this analysis of the Bush budget, prepared by the Center on Budget & Policy Priorities:
The budget includes $138 billion in reductions in mandatory programs ... including cuts in Medicaid, the food stamp program, and child care assistance for low-income working families .... The food stamp cut would terminate food stamp aid for 200,000-300,000 low income people, most of whom are members of low-income working families with children.
What a novel way for the Bush administration to reward work among low-income families -- cut off their food stamps.

What will this innovative White House think of next? Perhaps a higher gasoline tax for owners of hybrid vehicles?

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