A Timetable for Withdrawal

Monday, January 31, 2005

A Timetable for Withdrawal

Appearing today on NPR's "Morning Edition," Senator Russ Feingold (D-Wisc.) made a very good point about Iraq and the debate over U.S. troop withdrawals.

Feingold said that it's odd that the White House supported setting a firm timetable for ending the Provisional Authority's reign and for holding the Iraqi elections, but, when the issue concerns U.S. troop withdrawals, suddenly a timetable is a terrible thing.

We know the insurgents want our troops out, and they continue to launch attacks toward this end. How is setting a date or timetable for withdrawal going to affect that? To my way of thinking, it won't. The insurgents are probably throwing everything at our troops that they can. What more could they do?

In fact, one could argue that setting a withdrawal timetable might actually reduce the insurgents' attacks since a timetable weakens the recruitment pitch that al-Zarqawi and others can make.

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