Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations?

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations?

It's nice to see Bush's commitment to issues concerning African-Americans is so strong.
The 43-member Congressional Black Caucus presented Bush with its eight-page agenda during a private meeting. Rep. Mel Watt, D-N.C., the new chairman of the group, said Bush agreed to read the agenda and take it under advisement but didn't offer much response to it.

The agenda asks for more spending on education for poor and minority students, health care for all Americans, promotion of affirmative action, aid to impoverished African and Caribbean nations, and a guarantee that Social Security benefits continue to be paid, among other requests.
Bush has met three times with the black caucus since taking office four years ago. The first meeting came shortly after his inauguration, when the president said it would ‘‘be the beginning of, hopefully, a lot of meetings.”

But the next one didn't come until three years later when members of the caucus showed up at the White House to pressure the administration to preserve President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's rule in Haiti.
Hmmmm. Only three times in four years? Why doesn't President Bush like to meet with them? Oh, wait, because there isn't a single Republican among them. So much for reaching across the aisle...

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