
Wednesday, January 26, 2005


The Parents Television Council must be extra, extra outraged today.
Regulators rejected 36 complaints of indecency Monday against popular TV shows including "Friends" and "The Simpsons."

The objections had been filed with the Federal Communications Commission by the Parents Television Council, a watchdog group that frequently complains about sex and violence on television.

"In context, none of the segments were patently offensive under contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium, and thus not indecent," the agency said in a statement. The FCC also ruled "the material was not profane, in context."
One complaint involved an episode of NBC's "Friends" that aired in May 2003. In it, a female character, her husband and the husband's ex-girlfriend talk about a fertility treatment at a medical office.

A complaint over "The Simpsons," which airs on Fox, included a scene from a November 2003 episode in which students carried picket signs with the phrases "What would Jesus glue?" and "Don't cut off my pianissimo."

Federal law bars nonsatellite radio and noncable television stations from airing references to sexual and excretory functions between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., when children are more likely to be listening and watching.

The FCC said the segments in question "were not patently offensive" within the context of the shows.
I have a novel idea for the Parents Television Council-- TURN OFF THE DAMN TV! Don't let your children watch it! Maybe nobody has told them that it's actually a choice to watch tv, it's not mandatory.

What's even more bizarre is how the PTC is undermining their own cause by promoting the very material that they claim to be "protecting" people from. On their website they have a section called "Worst Clips of the Week Gallery" with a "warning: graphic content." Um, are they trying to get kids to watch what they deem to be graphic content?

I mean, really, how pathetic does someone have to be to spend their lives seeking out ways to be offended just so that they can publicly complain about it and pressure the government to censor it? Get over yourselves. You're all just professional whiners, so, please, give it a rest.

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