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Thursday, December 30, 2004

The True Meaning of Christmas

Anyone know whether Bill "Jesus Weeps for Me" O'Reilly has criticized the administration's miserly aid to the poor and suffering in South and Southeast Asia in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami? Or its indifference to genocide in Darfur? Or has informed his notoriously ill-educated audience that foreign aid represents less than .0025 (that's one-quarter of one percent) of the federal budget?

If not, maybe he's just too busy with the thankless and unpopular task of defending the truth of Christmas from us liberal Jews.

Apparently, Jesus weeps for wealthy, famous white American Christians; not so much for poor, unknown, yellow, brown, and black Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims (and more than a few Christians).

posted by Arnold P. California at 1:05 PM

This Is Starting to Piss Me Off

By my count, there are at least 10 stories in today's Washington Post about the tsunami and not one that mentions Darfur.

The include articles such as this
At alone, more than 53,000 people had donated more than $3 million by yesterday evening after the company made an urgent appeal on its home page. Catholic Relief Services was so overwhelmed with Web traffic that its site crashed. Online donations to the Red Cross outstripped traditional phone banks by more than 2 to 1.
and this
In photographs, the children have dark, messy hair and they are draped in blankets. Their infant arms and legs are soft or -- if they are older -- long and spindly. Too weak to hold on.

The waters rushed in and the waters retreated and at least a third of the bodies left behind were those of children.
There is no doubt that this is a massive tragedy and one that deserves the attention and assistance it is garnering, but I cannot understand why a natural disaster such as this gets constant media attention while the genocide in Darfur goes essentially unreported.

We are not seeing these photos splashed all over the news?

Why are Amazon and others not raising millions of dollars to help those being starved to death by the government of Sudan? Why is the world not mobilizing troops and hundreds of millions in donations to deal with the genocide that everyone acknowledges?

I do not mean to dismiss the severity of the current crisis, but I am simply unable to comprehend why this natural disaster is generating a massive outpouring of assistance while the year-long, man-made genocidal disaster in Darfur remains largely unreported and ignored.

posted by Eugene Oregon at 11:09 AM

More Strict: CIA or FBI?

There is an article in today's Washington Post about the intelligence community's need for more analysts.

Personally, I would like that sort of job, but I am not inclined to apply given my history of drug use. You see, I actually did apply to the FBI not too long ago and even received a preliminary offer of employment, pending the outcome of a polygraph and background check. It was at the point that I became aware of the FBI's drug use policy
*An applicant who has used any illegal drug while employed in any law enforcement or prosecutorial position, or while employed in a position which carries a high level of responsibility or public trust, will be found unsuitable for employment.

*An applicant who is discovered to have misrepresented his/her drug history in completing the application will be found unsuitable for employment.

*An applicant who has sold any illegal drug for profit at any time will be found unsuitable for employment.

*An applicant who has used any illegal drug (including anabolic steroids after February 27, 1991), other than marijuana, within the last ten years or more than five times in one's life will be found unsuitable for employment.

* An applicant who has used marijuana within the past three years or more than a total of 15 times in one's life will be found unsuitable for employment.
I haven't smoked pot in years, but I certainly did it more than 15 times in my life and thus didn't see much point in going forward with the process only to get booted because of my actions back in college. I found the FBI's policy to be somewhat ridiculous, but I figured that it was the FBI and they probably had their reasons.

But then I read the Post article and decided to take a look at the CIA's drug use policy. Here is what I found
If you are a recent or frequent user of illegal drugs, including marijuana, you need to know that CIA is a drug-free workplace. Drug abuse is one of the common reasons a security clearance is denied to applicants.


Many applicants wonder if they can pass such scrutiny. The Agency recognizes that no one is perfect. Agency security officials consider the nature, extent, seriousness, and recency of past behavior. They weigh the potential risk and benefit of each individual - the whole person - with utmost care. Although national security is always the paramount consideration, our security experts work hard to ensure that the Agency does not turn away unnecessarily someone who could make important contributions to the nation's intelligence effort.
The FBI says that if you took a bunch of bong hits a decade ago, you are permanently ineligible for employment, while the CIA just sort of shrugs and says "no one is perfect"?

Go figure.

posted by Eugene Oregon at 10:27 AM

Daily Darfur

Julie Flint, co-author of Human Rights Watch's "Darfur Destroyed," has this op-ed
Today, according to the UN's conservative statistics, 2.2 million people are affected by the conflict, including 1.6 million displaced and 200,000 refugees in Chad. Sudan analyst Eric Reeves, one of the few to attempt a serious analysis of mortality in Darfur, estimates that approximately 370,000 people have died since the rebels of the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) came to international attention in February 2003. Reeves puts the current mortality rate at approximately 35,000 per month and warns that this figure is likely to grow rapidly in light of food deficits forecast for early 2005, increasingly weakened populations that are only very partially served by current humanitarian operations, and accelerating violence that is severely curtailing humanitarian access and transport capacity.

The African Union (AU), which has provided the only international protection force in Darfur, has deployed fewer than 1,000 of a proposed force of 3,500 troops, police and logistical officers, and is up to full strength in only one sector of this vast region, Kapkabiya. It is poorly equipped to challenge what a confidential AU report obtained by this newspaper calls "a massive build-up of forces and logistics in Darfur" by the Khartoum government and, subsequently, by the rebels too. "The quantity of arms and ammunition brought into Darfur to meet the present build-up of troops in the region is so astronomical," the report says, "that the issue is no longer whether there will be fighting or not but when will the fighting start."


The statistics show the appalling futility of the international response to the Darfur conflict - not a conflict that ranges Arab against African, as journalistic shorthand would have it, but one that pits the government of Sudan and allied militias and mercenaries against the vast majority of Darfurians - African and Arab. (It cannot be stated too often that the majority of Arab tribes in Darfur have refused to join the government war in Darfur, despite blandishments, threats and inducements that range from sacks filled with cash to cars to development programs and homes in the capital, Khartoum.)

So what has gone wrong, after so many fine words comparing Darfur to Rwanda and promising, so meaninglessly, "never again?"
Eric Reeves casts a skeptical eye on reports that a final North/South peace agreement between Khartoum and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army will soon be signed.

Finally, a quick search of new sources reveals that, in the last week, there have been 9186 media reports that included the words "tsunami" and some form of the words "dead," "killed" or "died." In comparison, there have been 6787 media reports that contained the words "Darfur" and "genocide" in the last six months.

posted by Eugene Oregon at 9:13 AM

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

I Don't Really Have Much to Add

For your reading pleasure, I offer up Phyllis Schlafly's latest rant
The most censored speech in America today is not flag-burning, pornography, or the press. The worst censors are those prohibiting criticism of the theory of evolution in the classroom.


If Darwinians want to teach that whales, which are mammals, evolved from black bears swimming with their mouths open, we should surely be entitled to criticize that. Yet school libraries have refused to accept books critical of evolution, even when written by college professors.


Darwinians know they cannot persuade skeptical adults, so they try to capture impressionable schoolchildren. At our expense and against our wishes, children are taught that the world exists only for what is useful, not by design.

To typical schoolchildren full of wonder, we live in a world best described as a marvelous work of art. The snowflakes that grace us at Christmastime typify the artistic beauty that bestows joy on all ages but, like an acid, evolution corrodes this inborn appreciation of beauty and falsely trains children to view themselves as mere animals no more worthy than dogs or cats.

There is a strong correlation between belief in evolution and liberal views on government control, pornography, prayer in schools, abortion, gun control, economic freedom, and even animal rights. For the most part, the schools in the blue Kerry states are strongly pro-evolution, while the red Bush states allow debate and dissent.

It should surprise no one that the United States, land of the free and home of the brave, has the lowest percentage of evolution believers in the world. The highest percentage lived in Communist East Germany.
If Darwinians are indeed teaching that whales evolved from black bears swimming with their mouths open, you surely should be entitled to criticize that. And if you want to teach that the world was designed by some non-existent Sky Fairy* who loves us all but will punish us with eternal damnation for coveting our neighbor's ox, then I surely ought to be entitled to call you a f***ing loon and tell you to shut the hell up.

So shut the hell up you f***ing loon.

*"Sky Fairy" is probably a registered trademark of Norbizness.

posted by Eugene Oregon at 2:48 PM

Daily Darfur

The World Food Program has suspended food delivery to 260,000 people because of fighting.

The Independent had reported that Tony Blair had told the military to prepare to send 3,000 troops to Darfur, but Blair's spokespeople have dismissed that report.

Recent clashes have left at least 99 dead.

Knight Ridder ran a story about Deborah Lipstadt, who teachers a course on the Holocaust each semester at Emory University
Years from now, Lipstadt said, when history books refer to the genocide in the African country of Sudan, students will again want to know what Americans did to stop it. That made her decide that she would be among those who tried to help.

"I realized that I was sounding more like an apologist for America. And when the day comes that students ask about Sudan, I feared that I would again not have an adequate answer," said Lipstadt, a professor of modern Jewish and Holocaust studies and director of the Tam Institute for Jewish Studies at Emory in Atlanta. "How can I teach about genocide and live though another genocide without doing anything?"

Last fall, Lipstadt called a colleague in the African-American studies department and another in the religion department. Word quickly spread across campus, as one person called another. Before long, more than 100 students and faculty members had come together to form an organization called the Sudan Crisis Working Group. Their mission was to raise money and spread the word about atrocities in Sudan.
This reminded me that the genocide in Darfur has been raging for more than a year and killed an estimated 300,000 people and yet, as far as I can recall, Atrios and many of the other big blogs haven't seen fit to even mention it, much less provide links where people can make donations. Yet, on news of the earthquake/tidal wave that devastated Asia, he and others are working to "link to reputable and serious disaster relief efforts."

Why does a natural disaster such as this garner round-the-clock media coverage and generate hundreds of millions in donations while an orchestrated campaign to wipe out an entire group of people gets ignored entirely?

If you want to donate to help those in Darfur, you can find a list of organizations here.

posted by Eugene Oregon at 1:11 PM

This and That

You may remember the story a month or so back about the hunter in Wisconsin who shot and killed 6 others in a dispute on opening day.

It was a national story and now that Chai Vang is going on trial, Wisconsin Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager has announced that she plans to prosecute him herself.

Purely coincidentally, Lautenschlager also announced that she intends to seek re-election.

I have to wonder if her prosecution in this case will makes the voters of Wisconsin totally forget that she was arrested earlier this year for drunk driving after she ran off the road in a state-owned vehicle.

Good luck, Peg.

posted by Eugene Oregon at 11:19 AM

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

2004 Reflections

In the final days of 2004 I share with you an utterly rudderless observation--

at least Pat Robertson was wrong -- oh, and by way of Pat, God was too.

posted by Zoe Kentucky at 4:30 PM

Monday, December 27, 2004

White's "Role Model" Obit

When news circulated yesterday that former pro football star Reggie White had died, CBS sports commentator Terry Bradshaw hailed White as a "man of God." Another sports anchorman called White "a role model."

White was a superb football player, but, even in death, he is undeserving of such lavish praise. I'm not looking to dump on anyone, but it annoys me when the media and others view death as an opportunity to engage in myth-making about human beings.

Years ago, DeWayne Wickham, an African-American columnist for USA Today, described White as someone "who traffics in more insulting stereotypes than a Klansman." He was writing about remarks made by White when he addressed the Wisconsin Legislature in 1998. Excerpts of White's remarks include:
"When you look at the black race, black people are very gifted in what we call worship and celebration. A lot of us like to dance, and if you go to black churches, you see people jumping up and down, because they really get into it."

"White people were blessed with the gift of structure and organization. You guys do a good job of building businesses and things of that nature and you know how to tap into money pretty much better than a lot of people do around the world."

"You can see a Hispanic person and they can put 20 or 30 people in one home. They were gifted in the family structure."

"... the Asian is very gifted in creation, creativity and inventions. If you go to Japan or any Asian country, they can turn a television into a watch."

"I believe the reason we're pushing God out is because (if) God is in, it will affect the economy .... There will be no condoms that will be sold to our children because we will be teaching chastity. There will be no more cigarettes sold to our people because they won't do things to hurt their bodies. There will be no more drugs distributed ... It will shut down industry in America."

"... we allow rampant sin including homosexuality and lying, and to me lying is just as bad as homosexuality .... I'm offended that homosexuals will say that homosexuals deserve rights."

One reason for the downfall of Rome was that "[w]omen demanded more rights ..."
A few of the news reports announcing White's death on Sunday stated that White had apologized for his "controversial" 1998 remarks. But that was an empty apology. White's initial response to criticism was this stupid, hide-behind-God remark:
"I'm not going to back off what I know God has put in my heart to share."
Oh, but it gets better. If you disagreed with White, guess who that makes you.
"I have one enemy and one critic. His name is Satan."
Reggie White, June 1998
This same year, White announced his retirement from pro football -- only to change his mind less than 48 hours later. He told reporters that God told him to resume playing. Also in 1998, White tacitly endorsed a ban on admitting female sportswriters to locker rooms.

Even after his ridiculous and ignorant comments in 1998, White's activities were less than laudable. In early 2000, White teamed up with the defrocked televangelist Jim Bakker, who was then just released from prison for ripping off his financial contributors. The two preachers announced plans to revive Heritage USA -- the religious theme park that was started by Bakker's ministry. (The duo's efforts never got very far.)

In 2001, White appeared on "The 700 Club" -- the TV show begun by right-wing televangelist Pat Robertson -- and largely restated his anti-gay and racially stereotyped views.

Perhaps all of this says more about the impoverished minds in the media. What Joel McNally wrote in Milwaukee's largest news weekly back in '98 is (sadly) equally true today:
The fact that (Reggie) White espouses religious beliefs -- even absurd ones such as God healing him to help one team beat another team -- constitutes character in the simplistic view of the media. Sportswriters and their clichés create whole new worlds that have never existed.

posted by Frederick Maryland at 10:55 AM

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